Boating season at the Lake of the Ozarks is gearing up.
Iguana Boat Sales wants to make sure your trip out on the water is fun and accident free. We've put together a list of things you can do to help you stay safer while enjoying your time out on the Lake of the Ozarks.
1. Check The Weather
Before heading out onto the water, be sure to check the local weather. TV and radio forecasts can be a good source of information. In Missouri, the weather can be quite unpredictable at times, so if you notice darkening clouds, rough changing winds, sudden drops of temperatures, it may be best to start heading back to shore.
2. Have A Departure Checklist
Proper boating safety includes being prepared for any possible situation while out on the water. If you have a predeparture checklist, it could help you make sure nothing is overlooked or forgotten. Some things to include on your list are:
- Top off fuel tanks.
- Check the engine oil and coolant levels.
- Check bilges are dry and that pumps are not running excessively.
- Make sure all instrument lights are working.
- Have at least one fire extinguisher and make sure it's accessible.
3. Use Common Sense

One of the most important parts of boating safety is to use your common sense. This means operating at a safe speed, especially in crowded areas, staying alert at all times and steering clear of large vessels and watercraft. Also, be respectful of buoys and other navigational aids. You do not want to be involved in a boating accident that could have been avoided, so be sure you are aware of your surrounding while operating your watercraft.
4. Designate A "Skipper"
Be sure that more than one person on board is familiar with all aspects of your boat's handling, operations and general boating safety. In case the driver of the boat is injured or unable to drive, it's important that someone else can follow the proper safety rules to get everyone else back to shore safely.
5. Let Someone Else Know Your Plans
Whether it's a family member or staff at your local marina, always make sure someone else on land knows your boating plans. This should include where you're going and how long you're going to be gone. Some other information your designated person should know is:
- Name, address and phone number
- Name and phone number of other passengers
- Boat type and registration information
- Trip itinerary
- Types of communication and signal equipment onboard.
6. Wear Your Life Jacket
Wearing your life jacket is a simple life-saving strategic that's also extremely effective. Boats are required to have onboard a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket for every passenger. Life jackets come in many sizes, are lightweight and are comfortable for any boating activity. Set a good example for any children that are also on the watercraft, as they will be more willing to wear their life jacket if you are too.
7. Don't Drink & Drive
Just like you wouldn't drink and drive a car, you should drink and operate a watercraft. Boating under the influence (BUI) of drugs or alcohol affects judgment, vision, balance and coordination. These impairments can increase the risk of being in a boating accident, which could cause harm to the passengers and boat operator, not to mention other people outside of your own watercraft. Alcohol contributes to a third of all recreational boating fatalities.
Before getting in your
boat at the Lake of the Ozarks, make sure you take the appropriate measures to ensure your safety on the water. By being prepared, paying attention to the weather forecast, and stocking your boat with the required items, your lake outing should not only be safe, but enjoyable!
Iguana Boat Sales delivers exceptional value, exclusive selection, and above all outstanding customer service. We have selected some of the best boat brands to offer you the right combination of price, quality, and value. Visit our showroom in Osage Beach, if you are in the market for a used or
new boat at the Lake of the Ozarks. We look forward to showing you our inventory.
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Iguana Boat Sales
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4363 Osage Beach Parkway, Osage Beach, MO