The boating season is slowly coming to an end. There are a few weeks left that you can spend on the water, but many people are getting their boats ready for the winter season. If you recently acquired a boat at the Lake of the Ozarks, you may be wondering how to store it, and what the process is like, during the off-season. Iguana Boat Sales takes a look boat storage options at the Lake of the Ozarks both on land and in water for you:
Dry storage is a great option for several types of boats such as, runabouts, performance boats, pontoons, and cruisers. There are a couple of options. If it makes sense for you financially, you can opt for dry rack storage while sometimes the more economical choice is keeping it on a trailer.
Any boat that is being stored outside, whether it is on land on in water, should have a cover to protect them against the weather. There are several different types of covers boat owners can use:
Canvas - This is a traditional method of protecting boats in the winter season. Canvas is ideal for covering boats, as it is a breathable fabric. This allows excess moisture, which could cause mildew, to escape.
Shrink Wrap - This is a more modern technique, but has become quite popular for covering boats. Webbing is put over the oat to support a thin film of plastic. Heat from a propane gun causes the plastic to shrink tightly around the boat. Although shrink wrap is very efficient in protecting boats, they cannot be reused. Once the season is over, the film is cut off the boat.
Plastic Tarps - Using a plastic tarp and a few pieces of wood, owners can build a temporary tent to protect their boat. The covering is kept in place by typing it to the boat. Plastic tarps allow good airflow, which can help prevent mildew. However, they are not very durable and can only last one season before needing to be replaced. In addition, the tarp or cords where it was tied down could rub against the hull causing the gel coat to chaff.
Land Storage
Dry storage is a great option for several types of boats such as, runabouts, performance boats, pontoons, and cruisers. There are a couple of options. If it makes sense for you financially, you can opt for dry rack storage while sometimes the more economical choice is keeping it on a trailer.
Dry Rack - Most dry rack buildings are capable of storing boats up to 26'; however, some marinas have the equipment to lift and store larger boats as long as they meet the height requirements.Storage fees incur during the months your boat is stored. Many rack storage facilities offer a variety of services, such as boat washdowns, along with winterization and shrink wrapping at the end of the year. Make sure to inquire about additional costs!

Water Storage
There are two ways to store your boat at the dock. In or above the water. And the advantage to water storage is the early start on the spring boating season! You may have a boat lift to utilize during the off season or in some cases, your boat might stay in the water year round.
Boat-lifts - offer you the ability to store your boat high and dry yet ready for use in minutes, helping you stretch the boating season as long as possible. The disadvantage to storing on a lift at the Lake of the Ozarks is the unpredictability of our winters. Heavy snow or ice can damage the lift so it is important to make sure the lift is well maintained and used correctly.

The Lake of the Ozarks is home to many boats and there are several options for storage. At Iguana Boat Sales, we want to help protect your investment through the winter! Iguana carries one of the largest selections of new and used boats for sale at the Lake of the Ozarks, contact our knowledgeable staff for and and all your boating needs!
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4363 Osage Beach Parkway, Osage Beach, MO