Economic Indicators: By ignoring warning buzzers and lights, once they come on you risk a repair bill. Make sure your LED warning lights are not overwhelmed by sunlight or low-watt bulb indicators are located where they can be seen. Be sure you can hear your warning buzzers over your engine, stereo, and wind. Keep in mind that by the time a warning goes off, the problem has already occurred.
In Hot Water: A surefire way to guarantee your engine overheats is by installing your thermostat backwards, where the heat-sensing part is located on the wrong side. This is actually a common mistake, even some pros are guilty of it.
Unusual Noises: A squealing sound can indicate a belt is loose. A metallic tapping that keeps time with engine rpm means your valves, lifters, or rocker arms are having trouble. Grinding and grating metal could mean a water pump bearing is shot. If your exhaust gets louder and has a higher pitch, there's probably less cooling water running through it.
Antifreeze Meltdown: If you do not use a mixture of antifreeze and water in your sealed cooling system, you could risk overheating the engine. Undiluted antifreeze boils at a higher temperature than water, therefore retaining more heat.
Strong Odor: A healthy engine has a distinct smell that most boaters recognize. The stench of burnt rubber could come from a number of mechanical areas. Burnt oil could mean the engine was run hard, or if it's a strong odor, there's likely an oil leak dripping on the hot engine. A sweet aroma could indicate leaking antifreeze. And a smell like burnt hair could be an electrical short.

Engine Vibration: Various vibrations can result in a number of things, including your prop's blades are bent or your prop needs balancing. When the whole boat rumbles and shakes at all speeds, the engine and shaft are likely out of alignment.
Oil Changes: Completely replace the old oil with the new. Another option is to change your oil more
frequently so that the oil left behind never has a chance to get bad.
Owner's Manual: The instruction manual has a purpose. Our engines would last a lot longer if they weren't neglected. By referring to them once in awhile, you might save some wear and tear on your boat's engine.
Iguana Boat Sales will Keep Your Boat Running Smoothly This Summer
By maintaining your boat at the Lake of the Ozarks regularly, being in tune with warning indicators, as well as being familiar with your owner's manual, you can prevent engine trouble. Iguana Boat Sales has technicians that are trained and certified to service your watercraft. Whether you need routine maintenance or an engine rebuild, our staff will have you back on the water enjoying our beautiful lake in no time. We currently have 3 service locations at this time. Contact us at (573) 355-5027 ext. 7013 for boat maintenance at the Lake of the Ozarks.
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